Clean Travertine Stone
2014/4/25 11:11:45  admin

Travertine stone, whether used for countertops or floors, is easily damaged if not cleaned regularly or properly. Dirt, food, spills and debris left on the surface of the stone can leave scratches and stains, while the wrong cleaners or harsh scrubbing can dull the finish or leave marks that ruin the look of the stone. Keeping travertine stone especially clean by quickly removing dust and dirt will go a long way toward preserving the look of travertine stone tiles and countertops.

Instructions as follows:


Firstly, wipe up any spills, drips or water spots immediately using a sponge or soft cotton rag. Spills left on travertine stone, especially those containing any sort of acid, such as citric acid, may leave behind permanent damage if not cleaned immediately.
Secondly, moisten a clean cotton cloth or sponge with warm water.
Thirdly, wipe the counter down with the damp cloth or sponge. Scrub only lightly as necessary to remove food or other debris. Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently so that dirt and debris picked up on the cloth does not scratch the finish of the stone as you clean.
Fourthly, dry the travertine stone with a clean, dry cotton cloth immediately after cleaning.
Fifthly, clean travertine stone countertops once every three to four months with a cleaner by mixing a gentle cleaner made for stone with water. Wipe the counters down with a sponge or soft cotton cloth dipped in the cleaning solution. Rinse the counters by wiping them with a soft cotton cloth or sponge dampened in clean, warm water, and then dry them thoroughly. Use only a cleaner designed for stone such as travertine or limestone, and don't use it more often than every three months or you could dull the finish of your countertop.